Please see the below list of Frequently Asked Questions, and download a printable copy here. If you have a question that is not addressed below, please contact education@sitcancer.org.
What is the abstract submission deadline?
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 5 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, July 14, 2015.
Will there be a late-breaking submission period?
Yes. The late-breaking abstract submission period is from Monday, August 10 through Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 5 p.m. EDT.
How can I submit my late-breaking abstract?
Abstracts can only be submitted online. Begin abstract submission here.
How many abstracts can I submit?
There is no limit to how many abstracts an author may submit.
Do you accept Trials in Progress abstracts?
We do accept Clinical Trails in Progress abstracts. Specific guidelines for these abstracts can be found here.
I failed to click ‘submit’ before the deadline. Can I still submit my abstract even though the deadline has passed?
Contact education@sitcancer.org with your request. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any abstracts accepted for submission after the stated deadline will not be considered for Young Investigator Travel Awards.
Is there an abstract submission word limit? Abstract title word limit?
The abstract body is limited to 400 words, including references, acknowledgements and trial registration. The title must not be longer than 75 words or 200 characters.
What is the poster display size?
The poster display size is up to 1 meter x 1 meter (3.3 feet x 3.3 feet). The presenting author is responsible for printer of the poster, putting it up, and removal of the poster.
Is there a charge/fee to submit an abstract?
No, abstract submission is free to members and nonmembers alike.
I forgot my login information. How can I retrieve it?
Create an account on the abstract submission site here. If you are a SITC member, be aware that the abstract submission site requires different login information from the SITC website.
If you created an account on the abstract site in 2014 and have forgotten your login information, click on ‘Lost your access key?’ below the login box, and your access key will be sent to you.
Can I submit an abstract that has already been submitted or published somewhere else?
Any abstract previously accepted and/or published (by any meeting or publisher) must contain substantial new data in order to be considered. Contact education@sitcancer.org if you have questions pertaining to substantial new data.
What is the abstract embargo date?
All abstracts submitted to the SITC 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting are embargoed until Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 8:00 am EST.
On what date will the abstracts be published?
All abstracts submitted to the SITC 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting will be published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, the official journal of SITC. This issue will be released on Wednesday, November 4, 2015.
Can I withdraw my abstract? Can I make changes to my abstract after the July 9, 2015 deadline?
Abstracts can be returned for editing or withdrawn prior to the deadline: 5:00 pm EDT on July 14, 2015. However, abstracts cannot be withdrawn after the abstract submission deadline has passed.
When will I be notified if my abstract was accepted for oral or poster presentation?
The submitting author will be notified via email. Oral presentation notifications will be sent the week of August 7, 2015. Poster presentation notifications will be sent the week of August 10, 2015.
How can I apply for a Young Investigator Travel Award?
To apply for a Young Investigator Travel Award, you must meet all eligibility requirements.
If you meet the eligibility requirements, complete all information in the ‘Young Investigator Travel Award’ task during the submission process.
When will I be notified if I was selected as one of the Young Investigator Travel Award recipients?
Notifications will be sent to the submitting author via email by July 21, 2015. The Presidential Award Winner will be determined following the Presidential Session on Saturday, November 7 at SITC’s 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting.
I submitted an abstract. Am I now registered for the Annual Meeting?
No. Submitting an abstract for the 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting. Get registration information here.
I am having technical difficulties with the abstract submission site. How can I get help?
Technical questions or issues with the system should be directed to the Cadmium Support Team, available Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm EDT. Click on "Technical Support" within the submission website for contact options.
Can I submit an abstract if I am not a SITC member? If no authors are members, will this affect the submission?
SITC members and non-members alike are encouraged to submit abstracts, and SITC membership is not a requirement for submitting an abstract. However, membership is a requirement to be eligible for a Young Investigator Award. Get more information on SITC membership here.

Save the Date!
Save the dates for SITC 2016!
November 9 – 13, 2016
Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland
Thank You, Supporters!
Thank you, SITC 2015 supporters. Because of your generosity, SITC 2015 was a great success!
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