October 1, 2010
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.
Program Purpose
Significant progress is being made in the development of successful immunotherapy for cancer, with the first positive randomized cancer vaccine studies recently reported. The knowledge gained from investigations of tumor immunotherapy has provided enormous insights into mechanisms of action of potentially therapeutic agents as well as numerous mechanisms of acquired resistance to immunotherapy. Investigators in the field come from many different specialty areas but require a common understanding of immunologic principles that are best provided in the setting of an integrated course, such as the immunology primer, which is provided yearly at the iSBTc meeting.
Each year this primer course has successfully provided a series of lectures that addresses the most important domains of tumor immunology and immunotherapy. Faculty for this course have been prominent investigators in the areas of interest, which vary from year to year, but always cover the core principles of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. The faculty has been able to successfully move from the most basic principles to the most advanced and cutting-edge research ideas over their one hour lectures each year. A large percentage iSBTc members and others attend the immunology primer either once or repetitively to meet their educational needs in these areas, which help them get more out of the subsequent general meeting. The audience includes students, post doctoral fellows, and technicians in academia and biotechnology corporations as well as physicians and scientists at a more senior level who wish to familiarize themselves with fields in which they are not presently working.
The iSBTc is uniquely positioned to meet the needs outlined above, because it meets yearly with a fresh new group of program organizers for the annual meeting and the immunology primer. These individuals have knowledge of and access to the best immunologic minds in the country and have enjoyed a remarkable degree of success in securing those individuals to speak in the immunology primer. The primer also provides a unique complement to the rest of the iSBTc meeting, which is often attended by all the participants in the primer as well as many of the faculty.
Intended Audience
The target audience for this program is basic and clinical investigators from academic, regulatory, and biopharmaceutical venues. The audience includes clinicians, researchers, students, post-doctoral fellows, and allied health professionals.
Program Goals
Expected Learner Outcomes
Upon completion of this meeting, participants will be able to: