
All awards are supported by the Forward Fund.

Young Investigator Awards

SITC supports growth and achievement among young investi­gators in the field of cancer immunotherapy. To fulfill this goal, SITC offered ten Young Investigator Awards recognizing excellence in novel research presented in submitted abstracts. All award recipients were recognized at the Awards Ceremony at the SITC 28th Annual Meeting.

How to Apply

To be considered for an award, an abstract must have been submitted online by July 15, 2013. During the online submission process, you must have selected the “Apply” button in the “Awards” section to be considered for an award.

Award Eligibility

To qualify for a Young Investigator Award, the primary/presenting author must have submitted an abstract by July 15 and met the following membership and young investigator criteria.

Abstract Travel and Presidential Travel Awards

  • Be a “member in good standing” at the time of submission (i.e. current in dues)
  • Categorized as a Student, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Clinical Fellow, or Junior Faculty (instructor/assistant professor) with three or less years on staff (total from all institutions)
  • Serve as both the primary author and presenting author on the abstract
  • Meet the July 15 deadline for submission and indicate desire to be considered for an award
  • Outline contribution level. A greater level of participation will be judged more favorably and will be used as one of the criteria for judging award recipients. Categories include:
    • Conception and design
    • Collection and assembly of data
    • Data analysis and interpretation
    • Abstract writing

Presidential Travel Awards

  • Authors selected for oral presentations must be capable and comfortable presenting the abstract to a large audience and answering audience questions
  • Individuals who have previously won the SITC Presidential Award are ineligible for the same award

Presidential Award

Established in 1991, the SITC Presidential Award serves as recognition to the young investigator deemed to have the most outstanding oral abstract presentation at the SITC Annual Meeting. Of the four Presidential Travel Award recipients, one will be selected as the Presidential Award recipient by SITC leadership and announced at the Awards Ceremony. See past Presidential Award recipients here.

SITC Presidential Award recipient received:

  • $1,000 Honorarium
  • Up to $1,000 in Travel Reimbursement
  • 1-Year Membership with SITC
  • Commemorative Presidential Award Plaque
  • Presidential Award Winner Poster Ribbon

Presidential Award Recipient Criteria

  • Quality of Research and Presentation of Results
    • Overall quality of the research as described in the presentation is high                    
    • The majority of the work presented represents the presenter’s own work (note – when data from others is included as part of the oral presentation, it should be clearly identified as such, and distinguished from data generated by the presenter) 
    • Reported results are novel and scientifically important         
    • Results are presented clearly and explained insightfully
  • Results and Methods
    • Presentation includes specific results and data on sample size, endpoints and outcomes, with statistical analysis demonstrating significance of findings
    • Presentation includes clear description of reliable methodology and models
  • Research Advances the Field
    • Presentation includes concise description of the implications of the research to advance basic scientific understanding, translation and/or clinical application of cancer immunotherapy

Presidential Travel Awards

Four abstracts submitted in any category and authored by young investigators were selected for 20-minute oral presentations during the Presidential Session of the SITC Annual Meeting. Those presenting authors not selected for the SITC Presidential Award receivede a SITC Presidential Travel Award in recognition of their achievement. See past Presidential Travel Award recipients here.

SITC Presidential Travel Award recipients received:

  • Up to $750 in Travel Reimbursement
  • 1-Year Membership with SITC
  • Presidential Travel Award Certificate
  • Presidential Travel Award Winner Poster Ribbon

Abstract Travel Awards

SITC offered Abstract Travel Awards to six young investigators who submitted an abstract for the SITC Annual Meeting. Judging of the abstracts was done by a committee of SITC leadership and Annual Meeting organizers. See past Abstract Travel Award recipients here.

SITC Abstract Travel Award recipients will received:

  • Up to $750 in Travel Reimbursement
  • SITC Travel Award Certificate
  • SITC Travel Award Winner Poster Ribbon

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