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Poster Presentation Dates

All odd numbered posters will be presented on Friday, November 8, 2019, while even numbered posters will be presented on Saturday, November 9, 2019.

Posters will be on display from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m., with the presenting authors required to be at their posters during lunch (12:30 - 2 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, and 12:35 - 2:05 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9) and also during the poster reception (6:30 - 8p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, and 7 - 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9).

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# Title Authors Category Keywords
P536 Orbital tumor board: life saver or time waster ? Ayesha Butt, Medical Student; Irfan Jeeva, MBBS, MRCOphth (UK), FRCOphth (UK), FEBO (EU), CCT; Ayesha Butt, Medical Student; Education and Treatment Management Chemotherapy; Pediatric tumors; Radiotherapy; Solid tumors; Surgery
P537 A Case of Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus with Adjuvant Nivolumab for Resected Stage IV Melanoma Logan Rhea, DO; Pragya Singh, MD; Jeff Harvell; Suraj Venna, MD FAAD; Sekwon Jang, MD; Logan Rhea, DO; Education and Treatment Management Checkpoint blockade; Immune toxicity
P538 Outcomes of a Newly Formed Multidisciplinary Retinoblastoma Service Ayesha Butt, Medical Student; Irfan Jeeva, MBBS, MRCOphth (UK), FRCOphth (UK), FEBO (EU), CCT; Education and Treatment Management Pediatric tumors; Radiotherapy; Solid tumors; Surgery
P539 Management of Melanoma: Education Improving Clinical Decisions of Oncologists Kinjal Parikh, PharmD; Haleh Kadkhoda, MS; Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD; Charlotte Warren; Ann Carothers, MEd; Education and Treatment Management Checkpoint blockade; Solid tumors
P540 Understanding oncologist preferences for chemotherapy and immunotherapy monotherapy and combinations for first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: a discrete choice experiment Candice Yong, PhD; Brian Seal, RPh, MBA, PhD; Kathleen Beusterien, MS; M. Janelle Cambron-Mellott, PhD; Martine C. Maculaitis, PhD; Kelly Clapp; Emily Mulvihill, MBA; Ion Cotarla, MD, PhD; Ranee Mehra, MD; Education and Treatment Management Adoptive immunotherapy; Chemotherapy; Targeted therapy
P541 Informing and Empowering Cancer Caregivers about Immunotherapy: Results from a Psychoeducational Workshop on Immunotherapy Maria B. Gonzalo; Claire Saxton, MBA; Claire Saxton, MBA; Alexandra Zaleta, PhD; Kirstin Fearnley; Education and Treatment Management Targeted therapy